How to Backup and Restore Mac OS X Yosemite with Time Machine

The Time Machine is a built-in feature of Mac OS X Yosemite which is used for taking backup of your all saved data. It was integrated with Leopard (version 10.5) too. The Time Machine is the really awesome and the best way which can be used to backup and restore data of your Mac.

How to Backup and Restore Mac OS X Yosemite with Time Machine

The backup is very much crucial in order to be on the safe side. As if you may lose your data then you can easily restore it if you have a backup of it. However, there must be many people who are not acquainted with the process of taking backup and restore with Time Machine. Therefore, today we are going to make you learn that, “How to Backup and Restore Mac OS X Yosemite with Time Machine?”

Learn-How to Backup and Restore Mac With Time Machine

So, here are the steps which you need to follow. We would thoroughly recommend you to take backup on every seven days and you must use Time Machine for such purpose. The practice of taking backing up will always let you be on the safe side. Now, you are requested to get towards the below steps:

Backup Mac Data

  1. First of all, Select Time Machine from the Main menu and then Click on Open Time Machine Preferences.
  2. Now, you will have a window of Time Machine. Here if you see Time Machine set off then turn it On by Clicking on the switch button.
  3. Ones you have turned on Time Machine, then Click on Select Disk.
  4. Afterwards, select the disk of which you want to take a backup.
  5. Now, once the disk is selected then it will take some minutes of yours to take a complete backup of your selected disk.
  6. This was it!

Restore Complete Mac Data

  1. First of all, enter the Recovery Partition on your Mac by pressing power up Mac and hold Command+Rbuttons.
  2. Then you will able to see a window named OS X Utilities.
  3. Now, from this window, you need to select Restore from Time Machine Backup and then click on the Continue button.
  4. After that, you will have another window which will give you all files and folders which you are going to restore. Read the list and click on Continue.
  5. Now, it will be asking you to select the Backup. You need to select the most recent backup and then click on the Continue button.
  6. After that, it will take some minutes of yours to complete the restoring process and then it will restart your Mac.
  7. This was it!


This was our guide to backup and restore your complete data of Mac with Time Machine. We are sure that this guide would have been proven helpful for many of the users out there. If you have any kind of question or confusion left then do let us know. We shall try to get back to your queries and questions as soon as possible.

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